27: Behavior-Changing Beliefs That Create Big Results


What beliefs do you have about changing your pet’s behavior? You probably have some underlying beliefs that you don’t even realize are showing up in the way you approach your training. 

In this episode, we’re talking about behavior-changing beliefs. I’m going over some of the beliefs of my clients who have had success changing their pet’s behavior. These are beliefs that create big results, and if you can adopt some of them into your own belief system, they will create success for you too. 

I want this episode to get you thinking about your belief system. Notice what you’re telling yourself about your ability to change your pet’s behavior. If you’re sending yourself some negative messages, it’s time to make some changes. 

While you listen, you will find out what beliefs have brought my clients the most success, and how to adopt those beliefs yourself.

27: Behavior-Changing Beliefs That Create Big Results
Dr. Stephanie Beeson | Change Your Pet's Behavior

What We Cover in Today’s Episode

  • How I define beliefs 

  • Believing that change is possible 

  • The importance of feeling like the change is worth it 

  • Knowing that you are capable and your pet is capable 

  • How to really believe that change is possible for you

  • Being ready to make changes today 

  • The power of knowing that you can take the next step

What beliefs do you need to ditch? It’s time to stop telling yourself that you can’t do it or it’s just too hard for your pet, and start telling yourself the stories that will bring you success. You are capable. Change is possible for you. 

To get my free behavior plan worksheet that goes over the exact process that I teach my clients to change their pet’s behavior, go to www.StephanieBeeson.com and sign up to join my email list. 

If you want to find out how to work with me directly, go to www.StephanieBeeson.com/workwithme to get more information about the different ways I work with clients and schedule a free information call. 

Head over to pod.link/changeyourpetsbehavior to listen to this episode and previous episodes on your favorite podcast platform!

Resources Mentioned



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