26: The Five Steps to Productive Action


Do you spend more time Googling how to train your pet than actually training them?

This is a trap that a lot of pet owners fall into and it’s a type of unproductive action.

This episode covers what unproductive action is versus productive action, and how to make sure that you are always taking productive action.

There are five steps to identifying productive action, and anything outside of these five steps is unproductive action. I’m sharing the steps in this episode so that you can use them to guide and inform your training.

If you feel like you’ve spent a ton of time training your pet but you haven’t seen any change in their behavior, you’re probably spending too much time in unproductive action. After this episode, you’ll know how to change that.

What We Cover in Today’s Episode

  • The difference between productive and unproductive action 

  • Why behavior solutions are not universal 

  • Identifying the thought process behind your actions

  • Examples of unproductive actions

  • Why what you read online might not be applicable to your pet

  • Seeing confusion as optional

  • Prioritizing working on your pet’s behavior

  • The five steps to productive action

  • The importance of listening to and observing your pet

  • Mapping out your day with your pet 

  • Evaluating what is or isn’t working

Do you think you spend more time taking productive or unproductive action? I hope this episode helps you to identify what to change in your training plan to make the best use of your time. 

If you’re interested in the process that I mention in this episode, sign up to join my email list at www.StephanieBeeson.com and you will get a free behavior plan worksheet that goes over the exact process that I teach my clients. 

If you want to find out how to work with me directly, go to www.StephanieBeeson.com/workwithme to get more information about the different ways I work with clients. 

Head over to pod.link/changeyourpetsbehavior to listen to this episode and previous episodes on your favorite podcast platform!

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