28: Understanding Your Pet’s Value Bank


Have you ever heard of value banks? We all have them, even our pets. 

If not, you’re missing out on a super helpful tool to help with your relationship with your pet. 

A value bank represents how much access you are getting to the things that you value, and the same goes for your pet. It’s a transactional way of viewing your relationship with your pet. Are they getting what they value from you and you from them? Are you filling each other’s banks or emptying them? 

In this episode, I’m discussing how you can use this tool to build a better relationship with your pet. At the end, I’m sharing a story about how value banks come into play between me and my dog to give you an example of what I’m talking about.

What We Cover in Today’s Episode

  • What a value bank is 

  • Thinking of your relationship with your pet as a bank account 

  • What you value from your pet 

  • Why each of your pets has an individual value bank 

  • The importance of understanding your pet’s value bank 

  • How to use your pet’s value bank to your advantage 

  • What happens when your pet’s value bank is empty

  • How to avoid causing stress 

  • Understanding your own value bank 

  • Identifying what is valuable to you 

  • Why communication is the key to success

Think about what fills your value bank and what drains it, especially in relation to your pet’s behavior. Now think about your pet’s value bank. If you don’t know what fills it, I want you to start paying attention to things that bring your pet joy. 

To get my free behavior plan worksheet that goes over the exact process that I teach my clients to change their pet’s behavior, go to www.StephanieBeeson.com and sign up to join my email list. 

Head over to pod.link/changeyourpetsbehavior to listen to this episode and previous episodes on your favorite podcast platform!

Resources Mentioned


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