13: Are You Committed or Are You Stuck?

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Are you committed or are you stuck?

You might not even know how to answer that question, and that’s okay! 

In this episode, we are talking about how to tell the difference. 

We’re going over the definitions of “stuck” and “committed” to really understand what each one looks like. We are also talking about how to move from stuck to committed so that you can start seeing the results that you want. 

Once you understand that being stuck is a choice, you have the power to choose commitment instead.

What We Cover in Today’s Episode

  • The power of the words we use 

  • What it really means to feel stuck 

  • Why being stuck is a choice 

  • The difference between controlling and influencing your pet’s behavior 

  • Things that lead to you feeling either committed or stuck 

  • Why you have to be willing to fail 

  • The importance of figuring out if you are a good fit before you bring a pet home 

You get to choose if you are going to stay in the problem or if you’re going to reach out for help. You get to choose commitment. I hope this episode helps you to see that. 

If you’re getting value from this podcast and you want to work with me, you can go to www.stephaniebeeson.com/workwithme. There you will find my Better Behavior in 90 Days virtual coaching program and my Integrative Behavioral Medicine program. I’ll help you get the behavior you want from your pet, and I’ll support you along the way.

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