14: How to Improve Your Training by Holding Space for Your Pet

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Doesn’t it feel good when someone gives you their undivided attention? Well, sometimes that’s what your pet needs too. 

Your pet needs you to hold space for them.

Holding space is a skill that I didn’t learn in vet school, but it is really valuable as a professional working with pet owners and their pets.

I think that you will find this skill valuable too, so I am sharing it with you in this episode.

When you are holding space for your pet, you will see the best results in their behavior, so I am explaining how to create the best learning environment for your pet, how you can be completely present, and how you can hold space for them.

What We Cover in Today’s Episode

  • What holding space means 

  • Leaving your own baggage at the door 

  • Creating a calm environment for your pet

  • The importance of giving your undivided attention 

  • Setting aside judgments

  • How to meet your pet where they are 

  • Why you should recognize your own feelings 

  • Examples of what it looks like to hold space 

  • How to practice holding space for others 

Holding space for your pet allows them to be completely comfortable and completely themselves. It also reduces distractions for them, creating a better learning environment and setting them up for success. 

Start practicing the skill of holding space and see how it improves your training sessions with your pet. 

If you’re looking for more information on how you can work with me, just go to www.stephaniebeeson.com. There you can learn more about my programs and what will work best for you! I’ll help you get the behavior you want from your pet, and I’ll support you along the way.

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