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  • Survival Brain vs Empowered Brain
    • 4/12/22

    Survival Brain vs Empowered Brain

    Overview of how retraining your brain in response to your pet’s behavior serves you in creating and sticking with your pet’s behavior plan.

  • How the Brain Works
    • 6/6/22

    How the Brain Works

    Understanding how your brain, and your pet’s brain works allows you to turn your brain into your most powerful asset when changing your pet’s behavior.

  • Create Safety to Create Change
    • 6/10/22

    Create Safety to Create Change

    Stress cycles are a normal part of life for both human and non-human species. Learning to recognize and decrease stress and work from withing your and your pet’s comfort zones is essential for success in changing your pet’s behavior.

  • Communication and Green Light Training
    • 3/21/22

    Communication and Green Light Training

    Create Clear Communication through body language and behavior. Get the green light to train with relaxed, engaged, responsive behavior from you and your pet.