36: What Decision Fatigue Is and How to Experience Less of It


Do you feel like you have no energy at the end of the day to decide what’s for dinner? You’re probably experiencing decision fatigue. 

This episode of the podcast is all about what decision fatigue is and how to experience less of it. I see decision fatigue in my clients all the time and I used to experience it a lot myself.

If you have to make a lot of decisions regarding your pet’s training or medical treatment, or if you have to make a lot of decisions in your day-to-day life (which most of us do), then you probably experience decision fatigue. 

I believe that decision fatigue is a pretty big problem, but I also believe that it doesn’t have to be. In this episode, I’m teaching you how to make clearer decisions so that you don’t feel burnt out after a day of decision-making. 

The better you get at making decisions, the less of a problem it will be.

What We Cover in Today’s Episode

  • What decision fatigue is

  • Why I believe decision fatigue is optional 

  • Making decisions on behalf of our pets 

  • When decision fatigue becomes a problem 

  • How unmade decisions drain our energy

  • Preserving energy and money by making decisions well 

  • Building the skill of making decisions well 

  • What a decision-making cycle looks like 

  • Committing to your decisions 

  • Navigating the time between implementing a decision and getting a result 

  • Trusting yourself and the decisions you make

  • Knowing when to change a decision 

If you realize by the end of this episode that you have decision fatigue, the good news is you can change it! 

I want you to take what you learn in this episode and practice making clear decisions. Start with something easy like making decisions at dinner time. Decision-making is a skill that you can build and you’ll be amazed by how much it improves your life. 

If you finish this episode and just can’t wait to start changing your pet’s behavior, go to www.StephanieBeeson.com and sign up for my mailing list to get your hands on a free behavior plan worksheet. Trust me, this is a decision you won’t regret!

Head over to pod.link/changeyourpetsbehavior to listen to this episode and previous episodes on your favorite podcast platform!

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