Magnolia Seems Less Enthusiastic Than Previously
Q: Overall, Magnolia has had a tough couple weeks. She’s had an eye infection and it’s impacted her appetite a bit. We’ve backed off on increasing pressure during mealtimes to give her a little space and time to feel better. In general, she’s seemed less enthusiastic about eating and takes a lot of pauses to look at us. There are times when she is definitely looking for a treat, but other times she seems to want to walk away from her food altogether and only goes back to eating because she’s worried about walking away from food.
Im attaching a video from this morning that was cut from a full 6 minutes to 2 minutes. I see that she’s generally more relaxed than before, but seems triggered when I talk to her. Her ears and eyes seem softer, and her body language is less stressed and frantic overall.
A: I agree with your assessment on her overall level relaxation when eating and I like your approach of backing off adding stress/pressure while she is being treated for her eye infection. In the video clips you are doing a great job of marking/clicking and reinforcing interaction with the food. Focus on marking for eating behaviors but watch for her to continue with a high reinforcement. Still and quiet, looking up at you, and eating food are all acceptable behaviors to mark at this point. If talking to her increases her stress, sit quietly for now and we can add in talking strategically once she is feeling better.