2nd half of video from 2nd vet clinic visit
Question: This is the second half of the video from our second vet clinic visit. It starts with Virtue looking at the two people and receptionist who are at the desk. One of the people is a delivery person and the other a customer but neither have pets with them. Virtue glances at them, refocuses on me and we play with his ring and then tug on his leash. I did cut a bit of the play that I felt was good with engagement. I then begin backing towards the receptionist desk as we are playing the “other” game. We get in front of the desk and begin to play the “pickup” game with his ball, leash and ring. At 1:14, he does glance out the door and at 1:29 he takes a short sniff at the floor but both times he quickly re-engages with me. I then switch to heeling in front of the desk for cheese. Towards the end, I sit virtue in front of the receptionist, thank her and am very happy that Virtue noticed her but remained engaged and focused on me. What worked - playing, other and pickup games, known cues, distance when needed, verbal connection, tossing toy in air, eye contact and cheese What didn’t work - I felt like most things worked really well. Adjustments for next time - more conversation with the receptionist, go into exam room for play and simple cues similar to our lobby experience Surprisingly, the clinic was much busier than I anticipated given the time and based on our prior visit. Overall, I was very pleased with the visit and felt that Virtue was more relaxed. His ears weren’t back as much as they had been in his first visit, he responded to cues in a normal manner, ate his reinforcement food and he played with a variety of toys. Do you believe that Virtue was less stressed during this visit than he was in his first visit to this vet clinic? https://youtu.be/gZV2GpmKjC0
Answer: I agree with your assessment and next steps. Proceed.